Selenium disulfide (SeS 2 ) possesses competitive advantages over pure sulfur or selenium as an electrode material for lithium storage. However, the shutting effect and slow conversion rate of soluble lithium polysulfides/polyselenides (LiPSs/LiPSes) compromise the practical application of Li−SeS 2 batteries. Herein, a ZIF‐67@PAN‐derived Co−N−C@C multifunctional porous membrane as the LiPSs/LiPSes trapping barrier for Li−SeS 2 batteries is proposed. The hierarchical porous conductive network facilitates the transport of electrons/lithium ions. Meanwhile, the Co−N−C architecture not only has chemical interaction for trapping the mobile LiPSs/LiPSes, but also catalyzes the LiPSs/LiPSes conversion reaction during the cycling process. Benefiting from the multifunctional capabilities, the constructed Li−SeS 2 cells with the aforementioned interlayer exhibit a high capacity utilization of 978 mAh g −1 at 0.2 A g −1 , together with an excellent rate capacity of 532 mAh g −1 at 3 A g −1 and also superior cycle life with a capacity of 557 mAh g −1 after 300 cycles at 1 A g −1 . More strikingly, they show promising capacity with stable cell performance with a mass loading of 4 mg cm −2 .