Today, more than 90 percent of international cargo moves through seaports, and 80 percent of seaborne cargo moves in containers. It has thus become imperative for major seaports to manage their container operations both effec tively and efficiently. We have designed and developed an interactive computer simula tion model to support the logistics planning of container operations. Logistics planning of container operations deals with the assign ment and coordination of port equipments such as quay cranes, prime movers, and yard cranes in the transportation of containers between the ship's bay and the container storage yards. This model provides estimates for port performance indicators such as berth occupancy, ship outputs, and ship turnaround time for various operating strategies in the logistics planning of container operations. The main objective of port management is to reduce the ship turnaround time by optimally utilizing the port resources. Reduced turn around time encourages trade and improves the competitiveness of the port to provide efficient and effective services at low cost.