Puccinia xanthii Schwein. f. sp. ambrosiae-trifidae S.W.T. Batra is an obligate parasitic rust fungus of Ambrosia trifida Linn. Field investigations in Liaoning Province, China, showed that it is an effective biocontrol agent of this alien invasive weed. Its infection of the plant was observed by light microscopy combined with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 staining. We report the infection process, including teliospore germination and basidiospore formation on the host leaf surface, penetration of host tissue, and development of fungal hyphae within the host tissue. Fresh teliospores began to germinate from the germ pore within 1 h under suitable conditions and soon produced basidiospores or secondary basidiospores. Basidiospores falling on host leaves germinated from the end of the basidiospore opposite to the apiculus. Appressoria of germ tubes tended to orient along leaf epidermis cell ridges or at junctions near stomata rather than fixing randomly on the leaf surface. These germ tubes grew for short or longer distances before forming appressoria. The rust fungus directly penetrated the host epidermis by infectious pegs rather than through stomata. Within host tissues, the rust fungus formed intraepidermal vesicles, primary hyphae, intracellular hyphae, and M-haustoria. The intricate infectious structures formed by P. xanthii f. sp. ambrosiae-trifidae on or in host tissues suggest that the rust fungus is a suitable organism for researching the interaction between the pathogen and host plant.