Abstract Hybrid materials of polysebacic anhydride (PSA) with graphene oxide (GO) were successfully synthesized for drug controlled release applications. Lomefloxacin (LMF) was chosen as a model antibacterial drug to investigate its release properties. The LMF-contained pills of the GO/PSA and PLA blend were made by preheating and compressing in a mold, and then controlled release behavior of these pills was investigated. The in vitro drug release indicated that the release rate was depended on the GO content in hybrid materials. Within a month, these hybrids exhibited ideal zero-order release behavior with highly effective drug release amount. The cumulative release equations was Y4% = 2.75567X + 4.70247 for 4%GO/PSA/PLA/LMF pills, with a high correlation coefficient of 99.734% and effective drug release amount of 85.9%. This suggested that GO/PSA hybrids were promising new systems for biological and medical applications. Keywords: Controlled releasegraphene oxidelomefloxacinpolysebacic anhydride Notes Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/gpom.