Finite‐time command filter‐based adaptive tracking control for nonstrict feedback nonlinear systems with full‐state restrictions and unmodeled dynamics
Abstract The finite‐time command filter tracking control for a class of nonstrictly feedback nonlinear systems with unmodeled dynamics and full‐state constraints is investigated in this paper. The hyperbolic tangent function is used as a nonlinear mapping technique to solve the obstacle of the full‐state constraints. A new adaptive finite time control method is proposed through command filtering reverse engineering, and the shortcomings of the dynamic surface control (DSC) method are overcome by the error compensation mechanism. Dynamic signal is designed to handle dynamical uncertain terms. Normalization signal is designed to handle input unmodeled dynamics. Unknown nonlinear functions are approximated by radial basis function neural networks. Based on the Lyapunov stability theory, it is proved that all signals in the closed‐loop system are semi‐globally consistent and finally bounded and the output tracking error converges in finite time. Two numerical examples are utilized to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control approach.