The paper presents the problem of intestinal mucosa immunity in teleost fish. The immunity of the intestinal mucosa in teleost fish depends on the elements and mechanisms with different organizational/structural and functional properties than in mammals. The organization of the elements of intestinal mucosal immunitya in these animals is associated with the presence of immune cells that fulfil the functions assigned to the induction and effector sites of mucosal immunity in mammals; they are located at various histological sites of the mucosa - in the lamina propria (LP) and in the surface epithelium. The presence of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) has not been demonstrated in teleost fish, and the terminology used in relation to the structure and function of the mucosa immunity components in teleost fish is inadequate. In this article, we review the knowledge of intestinal mucosal immunity in teleost fish, with great potential for knowledge and practical applications especially in the field of epidemiological safety. We discuss the organization and functional properties of the elements that determine this immunity, according to current data and taking into account the tissue definition and terminology adopted by the Society for Mucosal Immunology General Assembly (13th ICMI in Tokyo, 2007).