Herein, the electronic structure and bonding character of the stable cyclo[18]carbon (C18 ) precursor, C18 Br6 , are thoroughly characterized by molecular orbital (MO), density of states (DOS), bond order (BO), and interaction region indicator (IRI) analyses. The delocalization characters of out-of-plane and in-plane π-electrons (labeled as πout - and πin -electrons, respectively) in bonding regions were examined using localized orbital locator (LOL) and electron localization function (ELF). The aromaticity was investigated, studying the molecular magnetic response to external magnetic field by computing the magnetically induced current density (Jind ), iso-chemical shielding surface (ICSS), anisotropy of the induced current density (AICD), and the induced magnetic field (Bind ). All these analyses indicate that C18 Br6 is a globally aromatic species with lower aromaticity than C18 , and the blocking of in-plane π-conjugation (labeled as πin -conjugation) by the presence of -Br substituents in it is the underlying cause for the weakening of molecular aromaticity.