Ecosystem succession and pedogenesis reshuffle the composition and turnover of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and its interactions with soil microbiome. The changes of these connections are especially intensive during initial pedogenesis, e.g. in young post-glacial areas. The temporal succession and vertical development of DOM effects on microbial community structure remains elusive. Using Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (FT-ICR MS), high-throughput sequencing, and molecular ecological networks, we characterized the molecular diversity of water-extractable DOM and identified its links to microbial communities in soil profiles along deglaciation chronosequence (12, 30, 40, 52, 80, and 120 years) in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Low-molecular-weight compound content decreased, whereas the mid- and high-molecular-weight compounds increased with succession age and soil depth. This was confirmed by the increase in double bond equivalents and averaged oxygen-to‑carbon ratios (O/C), and decrease in hydrogen-to‑carbon ratios (H/C), which reflect DOM accumulation and stabilization. Microbial community succession shifted towards the dominance of oligotrophic Acidobacteria and saprophytic Mortierellomycota, reflecting the increase of stable DOM components (H/C < 1.5 and wider O/C). Less DOM-bacterial positive networks during the succession reduced specialization of labile DOM production (such as lipid- and protein-like compounds), whereas more DOM-fungal negative networks increased specialization of stable DOM decomposition (such as tannin- and condensed aromatic-like compounds). Consequently, DOM stability is not intrinsic during initial pedogenesis: stable DOM compounds remain after fast bacterial utilization of labile DOM compounds, whereas fungi decompose slowly the remaining DOM pools.