Abstract Scattered optical field modulations can enable the function of traditional optical technologies, such as the dynamic holographic display, in a scattering environment. Nonetheless, only part of the degrees of freedom in the optical field can be effectively modulated so far. Here, this work proposes spatial full degree‐of‐freedom scattered optical field modulation (SF‐SOM) to impose a control on the amplitude, phase, and polarization of the optical field. To do so, this method independently modulates the complex amplitude of two orthogonally polarized components. It also contains a full degree‐of‐freedom vector transmission matrix model to describe the transformation from the incident field to the scattered field. Compared with the single degree‐of‐freedom modulation methods against the same scattering environment, SF‐SOM increases the contrast of focus by a factor of five. Furthermore, the experiments demonstrate a holographic display and orbital angular momentum control with SF‐SOM to show its ubiquitous utility in optics.