We classified drug-induced uveitis related to Immune Checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) and MAP-kinase pathway inhibitors (MAPKi), including BRAF-inhibitors (BRAFi) and MEK-inhibitors (MEKi), according ophthalmological examination. Cases were retrieved from the French pharmacovigilance database (FPVD) which included all adverse drug reactions (ADR) registred by the French Regional Pharmacovigilance Network. We collected 113 cases of drug-induced uveitis (46 ICI-related and 67 MAPKi-related). The classification analysis identified four clusters. ICI were associated with anterior, posterior and panuveitis with severe manifestations such as retinal vasculitis and optic neuropathy. BRAFi were associated with anterior and panuveitis. MEKi inhibitors were associated with early serous-retinal detachment.