A universal desktop device for X-ray interferometric studies of structural defects in single crystals has been designed, made, and tested. The proposed device can serve both for scratching the surfaces of X-ray interferometer crystalline blocks and for bending the blocks. A technology for generating dislocations in X-ray interferometer blocks has also been proposed and tested. A special device and a corresponding method are suggested for the alignment of X-ray three-block double interferometers. It has been experimentally proved that the Moire topographic patterns obtained from an X-ray double interferometer depend on the orientation of the reflecting planes relative to the studied defects (dislocations). It is shown that multiple interferometers make it possible to simultaneously observe images of various structural imperfections. The experimental results obtained make it possible to judge the spatial orientation of defects, as well as the distributions of stress fields caused by these defects, i.e., to visualize stress fields by X-ray Moire patterns. The results obtained can also form the basis for solving the inverse task, namely, the restoration of the fields of mechanical stresses in the crystalline blocks of the X-ray interferometer by decoding the Moire patterns obtained.