Two-dimensional Euler insulators are novel kinds of systems that host multigap topological phases, quantified by a quantized first Euler number in their bulk. Recently, these phases have been experimentally realized in suitable two-dimensional synthetic matter setups. Here, we introduce the second Euler invariant, a familiar invariant in both differential topology (Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem) and in four-dimensional Euclidean gravity, whose existence still needs to be explored in condensed matter systems. Specifically, we first define two specific models in four dimensions that support a nonzero second Euler number in the bulk together with peculiar gapless boundary states. Second, we discuss its robustness in general spacetime-inversion invariant phases and its role in the classification of topological degenerate real bands through real Grassmannians. Our results naturally generalize the second Chern and spin Chern numbers to the case of four-dimensional phases that are characterized by real Hamiltonians and open doors for implementing such higher-dimensional phases in artificial engineered systems, ranging from ultracold atoms to photonics and electric circuits.