Very-Large-Scale GPU-Accelerated Nuclear Gradient of Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory with Tamm–Dancoff Approximation and Range-Separated Hybrid Functionals
Inkoo Kim,Daun Jeong,Leah P. Weisburn,Alexandra Alexiu,Troy Van Voorhis,Young Min Rhee,Won‐Joon Son,Hyung‐Jin Kim,Jinkyu Yim,Sung-Min Kim,Yeonchoo Cho,Inkook Jang,Seungmin Lee,Dae Sin Kim
Modern graphics processing units (GPUs) provide an unprecedented level of computing power. In this study, we present a high-performance, multi-GPU implementation of the analytical nuclear gradient for Kohn-Sham time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), employing the Tamm-Dancoff approximation (TDA) and Gaussian-type atomic orbitals as basis functions. We discuss GPU-efficient algorithms for the derivatives of electron repulsion integrals and exchange-correlation functionals within the range-separated scheme. As an illustrative example, we calculate the TDA-TDDFT gradient of the S