One of the most captivating questions in neuroscience revolves around the brain's ability to efficiently and durably capture and store information. It must process continuous input from sensory organs while also encoding memories that can persist throughout a lifetime. What are the cellular-, subcellular-, and network-level mechanisms that underlie this remarkable capacity for long-term information storage? Furthermore, what contributions do distinct types of GABAergic interneurons make to this process? As the hippocampus plays a pivotal role in memory, our review focuses on three aspects: (1) delineation of hippocampal interneuron types and their connectivity, (2) interneuron plasticity, and (3) activity patterns of interneurons during memory-related rhythms, including the role of long-range interneurons and disinhibition. We explore how these three elements, together showcasing the remarkable diversity of inhibitory circuits, shape the processing of memories in the hippocampus.