Filipe Barbosa,C.S. Abreu,Mónica Oliveira,Rui Lima,Graça Minas
Mesh-based numerical methods have several limitations to simulate biofluids at a micro scale level, as they do not represent the multiphase component of them. In contrast, atomistic methods have the ability to simulate fluids with more than one phase, where the mesh is replaced by interacting particles. The LAMMPS code is a classical method of the molecular dynamics simulation, frequently used to assess the flow dynamics of particles. The main goal of this work is to compare the classical Molecular Dynamics (MD) with the finite volume method. Thus, for both type of simulations the same Newtonian fluid was used to assess the flow behavior along a hyperbolic contraction microchannel. The strain rate obtained for the flow rate of 0.22 and 1.00 ml/h have shown a good agreement between both methods.