Highly site-specific growth of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) on Bismuth Selenide (Bi2Se3) hexagonal nanoplates was achieved by fine-tuning the growth kinetics of Au through controlling the coordination number of the Au ion in MBIA-Au3+ complex. With increasing concentration of MBIA, the increased amount and the coordination number of the MBIA-Au3+ complex results in the decrease of the reduction rate of Au. The slowed growth kinetics of Au allowed the recognition of the sites with different surface energy on the anisotropic Bi2Se3 hexagonal nanoplates. As a result, the site-specific growth of AuNPs at the corner, the edge, and the surface of the Bi2Se3 nanoplates were successfully achieved. This way of growth kinetic control was proven to be effective in constructing well-defined heterostructures with precise site-specificity and high purity of the product. This is helpful for the rational design and controlled synthesis of sophisticated hybrid nanostructures and would eventually promote their applications in various fields.