Objective To evaluate the potential risk of dietary exposure to sodium saccharin among residents in Nanjing City, and provide scientific evidence for safety surveillance and risk management in processed foods. Methods Based on the survey of dietary consumption of residents in Nanjing City, combining with the limits of sodium saccharin in processed foods(GB 2760-2014), using @Risk software to establish the cumulative dietary exposure in a probabilistic way, and compared with the acceptable daily intake(ADI) for risk assessment. Results The average exposure of sodium saccharin of residents was 0. 69 mg/kg, accounted for 13. 80% of ADI, while high exposure(P97. 5) was 5. 37 mg/kg, and accounted for 107. 36% of ADI. The exposure of sodium saccharin of residents in all age groups exceeded ADI were ranged from 20. 60% to 132. 80%. The intake of sodium saccharin exposure of high exposures(P97. 5) exceeded ADI was 132. 80% and 110. 75% in 18-49 years and 11-17 years people respectively. Cooked nuts, candied fruit and bean products were the main sources of sodium saccharin exposure compared with others. Conclusion Dietary exposure assessment shows that the risk dietary exposure to sodium saccharin is generally safe. Residents who intake these processed foods higher should be paid more attention to reduce the level of sodium saccharin exposure.