Luciano Mescia,Michele Alessandro Chiapperino,Pietro Bia,Claudio Maria Lamacchia,Johan Gielis,Diego Caratelli
In this work, a nonlinear dispersive multiphysic model based on Maxwell and asymptotic Smoluchowsky equations has been developed to analyze the electroporation phenomenon induced by pulsed electric field on biological cells. The irregular plasma membrane geometry has been modeled by incorporating in the numerical algorithm the Gielis superformula as well as the dielectric dispersion of the plasma membrane has been modeled using the multi-relaxation Debye-based relationship. The study has been carried out with the aim to compare our model implementing a thin plasma membrane with the simplified model in which the plasma membrane is modeled as a distributed impedance boundary condition. The numerical analysis has been performed exposing the cell to external electric pulses having rectangular shapes. By an inspection of the obtained results, significant differences can be highlighted between the two models confirming the need to incorporate the effective thin membrane into the numerical algorithm to well predict the cell response to the pulsed electric fields in terms of transmembrane voltages and pore densities, especially when the cell is exposed to external nanosecond pulses.