Bio-inspired nano-electronic devices are key instruments for the development of advanced artificial intelligence systems, which will shape the future of humanoid nano-robotics. An emerging demand is realized for an accurate reception of environmental stimuli via visual perception, processing and realization of optical signals. The present study demonstrates the capability of functionalized all-oxide heterostructured two-dimensional (2D) plasmonic devices for the self-adaptive recognition of visual optical pulses. Specifically, the nano-engineering of the metal/semiconductor interface and co-modulation of heterostructured 2D semiconductor hetero-interfaces of Au/WO3 : TiO2 and Au/Ga2O3 : TiO2 facilitated the receptive and nociceptive detection of visible light pulses. A decrease in the dark current of the Au/WO3 : TiO2 unit resulted in the development of sensitive visible light photoreceptors. Furthermore, the modulation of charge transfers at the Au/Ga2O3 : TiO2 hetero-interfaces were the key parameter to determine the optical reception characteristics and nociceptive performance of all-oxide optoelectronic devices. Specifically, the rapid thermal annealing (RTA) of 2D Ga2O3 in N2 atmosphere ensured the modulation of charge transfer at Au/Ga2O3 : TiO2 hetero-interfaces in plasmonic devices. Thus, hetero-interface engineering enabled the effective control of charge transfer at 2D hetero-interfaces for an adaptive perception of visible optical pulses. Consequently, the fabricated sensitive Au/Ga2O3 (N2) : TiO2 bio-inspired unit emulated the optical functionalities of corneal nociceptors.