Designing an efficient wireless sensor node is gaining increased attention of the designers with an objective to provide low power consumption in high-performance sensor node. The design challenge is trade-off between performance and power consumption. There exist many power management techniques to reduce power consumption. The dynamic Power Management (DPM) technique is most suitable technique for a wireless sensor node to address the issue of power. However, performance of the node needs to be addressed and analyzed.In the current article, queue discipline is integrated within the DPM technique. The detailed analysis of queue discipline based on M/M/1 queuing theory is performed on a First In First Out (FIFO) Queue. The obtained results show i) the impact of arrival rate on the performance parameters, and ii) FIFO is more effective compared to Last In First Out in terms of utilization of the server. Further, the number of missing events, utilization of the server, power consumption and individual node lifetime are analyzed for different arrival rates of arrived events.