Summary Four extruded noodles with same variety wheat flour mill streams (FMS) from the centre to the outer layer of the endosperm and 1 round or 3 rounds of extrusion have different quantity and rheological properties of glutenin macropolymer (GMP). The results showed that the GMP content and the G' plateau value of GMP‐gel of the extruded noodles were 0.074 ~ 0.093 [g/(g noodle)] and 575 ~ 1895 Pa, respectively. Meanwhile, the freezing water content, the cooking loss, the textural hardness and the springiness of the extruded noodles were 11.4 ~ 19.5 [g/(100 g water)], 1.7 ~ 2.0 [g/(100 g water‐insoluble noodle)], 5378 ~ 6112 g and 83.4 ~ 90.8%, respectively. Compared to 1 round, extruded noodle with 3 rounds extrusions had slowly decreasing G' with strain increasing, a significantly low freezing water content and cooking loss ( P < 0.05) and high hardness. Extruded noodle with high G' in GMP‐gel had relatively high springiness.