Video Anomaly detection in videos refers to the identification of events that do not conform to expected behavior. However, almost all existing methods cast this problem as the minimization of reconstruction errors of training data including only normal events, which may lead to self-reconstruction and cannot guarantee a larger reconstruction error for an abnormal event. In this paper, we propose to formulate the video anomaly detection problem within a regime of video prediction. We advocate that not all video prediction networks are suitable for video anomaly detection. Then, we introduce two principles for the design of video prediction network for video anomaly detection. Based on them, we elaborately design a video prediction network with appearance and motion constraints for video anomaly detection. Further, to promote the generalization of the prediction based video anomaly detection for novel scenes, we carefully investigate the usage of a meta learning within our framework, where our model can be fast adapted to a new testing scene with only a few staring frames. Extensive experiments on both a toy dataset and three real datasets validate the effectiveness of our method in terms of robustness to the uncertainty in normal events and the sensitivity to abnormal events.