Hydrogen production through water electrolysis is of considerable interest for converting the intermittent electricity generated by renewable energy sources into storable chemical energy, but the typical water electrolysis process requires a high working voltage (>1.23 V) and produces oxygen at the anode in addition to hydrogen at the cathode. Here we report a hydrogen production system that combines anodic and cathodic H2 production from low-potential aldehyde oxidation and the hydrogen evolution reaction, respectively, at a low voltage of ~0.1 V. Unlike conventional aldehyde electrooxidation, in which the hydrogen atom of the aldehyde group is oxidized into H2O at high potentials, the low-potential aldehyde oxidation enables the hydrogen atom to recombine into H2 gas. The assembled electrolyser requires an electricity input of only ~0.35 kWh per m3 of H2, in contrast to the ~5 kWh per m3 of H2 required for conventional water electrolysis. This study provides a promising avenue for the safe, efficient and scalable production of high-purity hydrogen.