We summarize the current guidelines, techniques, efficacy and complications associated with monopolar transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP) for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Patients who elect to have endoscopic surgical bladder outlet reduction are faced with an abundance of evolving treatment options. As new technology comes and goes, TURP and TUIP remain the gold standard for which new treatments are compared.A review of past and contemporary data including American and European guidelines was performed. Techniques, efficacy, durability, short term and long term complications of TURP and TUIP are summarized.Small prostate sizes < 30 mL without a median lobe can be effectively treated with TUIP with decreased perioperative complications and sexual side effects compared to TURP. Monopolar TURP demonstrates significant improvements in IPSS, peak flow rate (Qmax), and quality of life (QoL) with durable (8 year-22 year) outcomes. Secondary intervention increases by 1%-2% annually. Thirty-day mortality rate is low (0.1%) as well as incidence of TUR syndrome (< 1.1%). Short term and long term complications include bleeding requiring transfusion, clot retention, acute urinary retention (AUR), and urinary tract infections as well as incontinence, bladder neck contracture, urethral stricture, and sexual dysfunction.Monopolar TURP and TUIP are effective endoscopic treatments for BPH with durable long term results. While the short term and long term complication rates are acceptable, new technologies aim to increase tolerability of bladder outlet reduction by decreasing treatment related morbidity.