A load-sharing-based mixed lubrication model, applicable to cam–roller contacts, is developed. Roller slippage is taken into account by means of a roller friction model. Roughness effects in the dry asperity contact component of the mixed lubrication model are taken into account by measuring the real surface topography. The proportion of normal and tangential load due to asperity interaction is obtained from a dry contact stick–slip solver. Lubrication conditions in a cam–roller follower unit, as part of the fuel injection equipment in a heavy-duty diesel engine, are analyzed. Main findings are that stick–slip transitions (or variable asperity contact friction coefficient) are of crucial importance in regions of the cam where the acting contact forces are very high. The contact forces are directly related to the sliding velocity/roller slippage at the cam–roller contact and thus also to the static friction mechanism of asperity interactions. Assuming a constant asperity contact friction coefficient (or assuming that gross sliding has already occurred) in highly loaded regions may lead to large overestimation in the minimal required cam–roller contact friction coefficient in order to keep the roller rolling. The importance of including stick–slip transitions into the mixed lubrication model for the cam–roller contact is amplified with decreasing cam rotational velocity.