The effects of quinoa protein Pickering emulsion (QPE) on the gel properties, protein structure and intermolecular interactions of myofibrillar protein (MP) gels were studied. Compared with the MP gels without QPE, the MP gels with 5.0%-7.5% added QPE showed significant increasing trends in storage modulus (G'), whiteness, gel strength and water holding capacity (WHC). The content of disulfide bonds in the gel increased with the addition of QPE and the disulfide bond conformation changed from gauche-gauche-gauche to gauche-gauche-trans. Moreover, the increase of hydrogen bonds after QPE addition confirmed the transformation from α-helix to β-sheet, as β-sheet structure was stabilized by interchain hydrogen bonds. The added QPE also enhanced the hydrophobic interaction and electrostatic interaction of MP gels. To conclude, the addition of 5.0%-7.5% QPE improved the intermolecular interactions and the structure stability of MP gels, and enhanced the gelation and WHC of MP gels.