Obesity and related chronic diseases have become major public health problems in China and in the world. While a series of prevention and control policies and action plans have been implemented in China, obesity and related chronic diseases have not been effectively controlled yet. The Obesity Prevention and Control Section of the Chinese Nutrition Society facilitated the cooperation of 34 interdisciplinary leading experts in drafting this consensus based on the latest relevant guidelines and research results in China and from overseas. The consensus report aims to help guide the prevention and treatment of obesity in China, promote the participation of the whole society and contribute to 'Healthy China' national goals. This report includes seven chapters. It outlines the prevalence and main contributing factors of obesity, challenges, obesity screening and diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control during the whole life cycle, comprehensive prevention and control strategies involving the whole society, and recommendations for future work in China. This report will help promote obesity prevention and weight management efforts in China to be more scientific and effective.肥胖及相关慢性病已成为中国及全球重大公共卫生问题。中国制定和实施了一系列相关防控政策和行动方案,但肥胖及相关慢性病问题尚未得到有效控制。在国内外最新相关指南和研究成果基础上,中国营养学会肥胖防控分会等机构邀请34位相关专家,经过多轮研究和会商,就当前和未来中国肥胖防治议题达成了《中国居民肥胖防治专家共识》,指导推动未来中国肥胖防治工作,促进全社会参与,助力“健康中国”建设。《共识》共包括7章,分别对中国肥胖流行状况和主要影响因素、面临的挑战、筛查和诊断、治疗、全生命周期防控、全社会参与综合防控策略进行总结,并提出科学建议,促进中国肥胖防治及体重管理工作更加科学、规范和有效。.