• Soil pH and climate variables are key factors influencing N2O emissions. • We developed a nonlinear empirical model of N2O emissions applicable to tea plantations. • Tea plantations are hotspots for N2O emissions from agricultural sector with 46.5 Gg N yr-1. • The proposed abatement strategy can reduce about 1/3 of the total global emissions. Estimating N 2 O emissions from the agricultural sector and developing effective reduction strategies are essential to achieving the Paris Agreement 2 °C target. Based on 3705 observations from 435 articles, we demonstrated that the response of N 2 O emissions was more sensitive to N inputs on acidic soils than alkaline soils and that climatic factors influence this difference. Total global N 2 O emissions from tea plantations in the 2010s were estimated to be 46.5 Gg N yr –1 using an exponential model developed herein. Tea plantations are a significant contributor to N 2 O emissions from the agricultural sector in several countries. The intensity of yield-scale GHG emissions from tea was significantly higher than in other upland cereals. Applying climate-smart practices in Chinese tea plantations could reduce emissions equivalent to one-third of the global total. We conclude that accurate identification of N 2 O emission hotspots and implementation of targeted measures are essential to achieving global temperature control targets.