Successful pregnancy requires an immunological shift with T helper CD4+ bias based on disbalance Th1/Th17 versus Th2/T regulatory (Tregs) required to induce tolerance against the semi-allogeneic fetus and placenta and to support fetal growth. Considered a pregnancy-specific hypertensive disorder, pre-eclampsia is characterized by multifaceted organ involvement related to impaired maternal immune tolerance to paternal antigens triggered by hypoxic placental injury as well as excessive local and systemic anti-angiogenic and inflammatory factor synthesis. Both systemic and local Th1/Th2 shift further expands to Th17 cells and their cytokines (IL-17) complemented by suppressive Treg and Th2 cytokines (IL-10, IL-4); alterations in Th17 and Tregs cause hypertension during pregnancy throughout vasoactive factors and endothelial dysfunction, providing an explanatory link between immunological and vascular events in the pathobiology of pre-eclamptic pregnancy. Apart from immunological changes representative of normotensive pregnancy, lupus pregnancy is generally defined by higher serum pro-inflammatory cytokines, lower Th2 polarization, defective and lower number of Tregs, potential blockade of complement inhibitors by anti-phospholipid antibodies, and similar immune alterations to those seen in pre-eclampsia. The current review underpins the immune mechanisms of pre-eclampsia focusing on local (placental) and systemic (maternal) aberrant adaptive and innate immune response versus normotensive pregnancy and pregnancy in systemic autoimmune conditions, particularly lupus.