To explore the value of ultrasonic multimodality imaging for characterizing nonpuerperal mastitis (NPM) lesions and feasibility of distinguishing different subtypes.Thirty-eight NPM lesions were assessed using conventional ultrasonography (US), strain elastography (SE), and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). The lesions were confirmed pathologically and classified as granulomatous lobular mastitis (GLM), plasma cell mastitis (PCM), or nonspecific mastitis (NSM). Furthermore, diagnostic indicators were evaluated. The diagnostic performances of the modalities were compared using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC).The overall morphological features on US differed significantly between the GLM and PCM groups (p = 0.002). Lesion size (≤10 mm) (p = 0.003) and mean SE score (p = 0.001) differed significantly between the PCM and NSM groups. The frequent NPM characteristic on CEUS was hyperenhancement with (or without) increased lesion size; intergroup differences were not significant. Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System > 3 was considered to indicate malignancy; accordingly, the accuracy of US alone, US with CEUS, and US with SE was 10.5%, 21.1%, and 65.8%, respectively. Moreover, the AUC for US with SE for classifying GLM and PCM was 0.616.CEUS cannot accurately classify NPM subtypes, while US and SE are valuable for classification.