A clinical study of one hundred patients having vitiligo revealed the incidence among new patients to be 1.84%. The male/female ratio was 1:1.22. Family history of vitiligo was available in 8% of our patients. The different morphological pattern consisted of vitiligo vulgaris (39 cases), focal vitiligo (27 cases), acrofacial vitiligo (18 cases), lip-tip vitiligo (7 cases), lip vitiligo (5 cases), segmental vitiligo (3 cases) and universal vitiligo (1 case). Associated diseases include atopic dermatitis (2 cases), Hansen's disease (2 cases), alopecia areata (1 case), halo naevus (1 case), chronic urticaria (1 case), lichen planus (1 case), diabetes mellitus (9 cases), hypertension (4 cases), hypothyroidism (2 cases), epilepsy (1 case) and IHD (1 case).