Available solubility constants indicate that ettringite should be the stable form of calcium aluminate sulfate hydrate with respect to monosulfate in cement porewater. However, monosulfate is generally present in mature cement pastes, usually in the absence of ettringite. The objectives of this study were to determine the solubility product of ettringite under equilibrium conditions and to examine the solubility data used in predictive thermodynamic models. Solubility products were calculated for ettringite prepared from both supersaturated and undersaturated solutions with a pH range between 10.4 and 13.7. The mean solubility product for ettringite dissolution: Ca 6 Al 2 O 6 ( SO 4 ) 3 · 32 H 2 O → 6 Ca 2+ + 2 Al ( OH ) 4 − + 3 SO 4 2− + 4 OH − + 26 H 2 O was 10 −44.91 , i.e. Log K sp = -44.91 ± 1.06 (2 S.D.). Activity coefficients were calculated using the specific ion interaction approach. The mean solubility product was close to other values calculated from concentrations reported elsewhere for the solubility of ettringite. As is the case for all solubility products, this value cannot be inserted directly into the databases of other thermodynamic models because of differences in the methods used to calculate activity coefficients and the manner in which ion-pairing is handled by different models. However, raw solubility data are provided for recalculation of the solubility product for use in other models.