Abstract A growth equation for individual grains in single-phase materials is suggested. It is used to calculate a rate equation for normal grain growth and the size distribution in the material. It predicts a maximum size of twice the average size. The theory is modified to take into account the effect of second-phase particles. In an alternative treatment the array of grains is described in terms of a kind of defects introduced into a perfect array. The defects move through the array during grain growth. The rate of grain growth is calculated from the number of defects and their mobility. The defect concentration is predicted by comparing the two treatments. The defect-model predicts two grain size limits due to second-phase particles. Normal grain growth takes place below the lower limit. Abnormal grain growth can take place between the two limits if the material contains at least one very large grain. No grain growth can take place above the higher limit. Several possible mechanisms for the development of abnormal grain growth are examined. An explanation is offered for the observation that most of the well-known cases occur as the second-phase is dissolving.