Changing color is one of the most striking features of loess–paleosol sequences in central China: the loess is light yellow and the interstratified paleosols are reddish-brown. Until a few years ago, conventional color description of loess sediments was made using a qualitative visual method, the Munsell system. To better understand the character of the color changes and to quantify results, whiteness and magnetic susceptibility were compared from four loess–paleosol sequences. Results show that the two parameters are highly correlated in the four sequences studied. Grain-size analysis and chemical extraction experiments indicate that the concentration and species of fine-grained iron oxides are major factors determining color changes in loess and paleosols. Whiteness and latitude values from the last glacial–interglacial sequence exhibit a linear relationship suggesting that whiteness will be a useful tool for reconstructing past atmospheric circulation, especially the East Asian summer monsoon. Whiteness and magnetic susceptibility in the Luochuan profile over the past 0.9 Myr display a strong correlation indicating that whiteness can be also used to reveal a long climatic history from Chinese loess–paleosol sequences.