The air−water exchange of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) often results in net volatilization, which is thought to be the most important loss process for PCBs in many systems. Previous investigations of the air−water exchange of PCBs have been hampered by difficulties in treatment of the uncertainty in the calculation of air/water fugacity ratios. This work presents a new framework for the treatment of uncertainty, where uncertainty in physical constants is handled differently from random measurement uncertainty associated with random samples, and it further investigates the sorption of PCBs to colloids (dissolved organic carbon). Simultaneous measurements of PCBs in the air and water of five water quality management zones of the Delaware River were taken in 2002 in support of the total maximum daily load (TMDL) process. Gas-phase concentrations of ΣPCBs ranged from 110 to 1350 pg m-3, while dissolved water concentrations were between 420 and 1650 pg L-1. Shallow slopes of log KOC vs log KOW plots indicated a colloidal contribution to the apparent dissolved-phase concentrations, such that a three-phase partitioning model was applied. Fugacity ratios for individual congeners were calculated under the most conservative assumptions, and their values (log-transformed) were examined via a single-sample T-test to determine whether they were significantly less than 1 at the 95% confidence level. This method demonstrated that air−water exchange resulted in net volatilization in all zones over all cruises for all but seven high molecular weight congeners. Calculated net fluxes ranged from +360 to +3000 ng m-2 d-1 for ΣPCBs. The colloidal correction decreased the volatilization flux of ΣPCBs by ∼30%. The decachlorinated congener (PCB 209), exhibited unusually high concentrations in the suspended solids, especially in the southern portions of the river, indicating that there is a distinct source of PCB 209 in the Delaware River.