An analytical solution for diffraction of both plane and cylindrical SH waves induced by a horseshoe shaped cavity with an inverted arch is presented in this paper. The geometry of the cavity is assumed to be composed of two circular arcs. By introducing an auxiliary boundary, the whole physical region is divided into two computational regions. The scattered wavefield in the open region and the standing wavefield in the enclosed region are presented by means of the wave function expansion method. Both of the wavefields are given in terms of the wave function series with unknown coefficients. By applying the Graf’s addition formula, two systems of equations for seeking the unknowns are derived by taking advantage of the boundary conditions based on the region-matching strategy. The problem of wave scattering is finally solved after seeking the solutions of the two systems of equations through standard matrix techniques. Then the effects of the excitation frequency, the cavity embedment depth and cavity geometry are discussed. The differences in terms of ground motions under different excitations and the influence of source location under cylindrical waves are also examined.