Algorithmic systems wield substantial influence in contemporary society. Since it is mostly unknown how algorithms specifically work, content creators (CCs) on YouTube who rely on them for economic reasons are in a constant state of sensemaking regarding the characteristics and perceived preferences of the algorithm. To understand these perceptions, we draw from previous research on technological agency and examine the ways in which CCs view the algorithm as an independent entity with agentic features. We do this by conducting a thematic analysis of 30 interviews with German CCs on YouTube. We find that CCs do perceive agentic qualities of the algorithm and that their assessment depends on their experience and exposure to it. Four key themes were identified: The algorithm is perceived as (1) non-transparent and largely unpredictable; (2) intentional, autonomous, and human-like; (3) number-based and communicating through metrics; and (4) exerting a great deal of power while constantly reinforcing hierarchies.