Solar radiation is an important factor for the energy efficiency, thermal comfort and district heating of buildings, and the transmitted diffuse radiation is full of indoor space, but its distribution characteristics are often ignored. The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of the transmitted solar radiation are quantitatively analyzed in this study. Firstly, under different weather types, the hourly transmitted diffuse radiation distribution models (TDRD models) on building interior surfaces are established. Secondly, based on the variation of transmitted diffuse radiation on interior surfaces, the time-divided distribution models are reconstructed. Finally, the performance of the proposed models is evaluated. The results show that the performance of distribution models on cloudy days is better than on sunny days and partially cloudy days. For all weather types, TDRD models on the ceiling have the best performance, while the distribution models on the floor are poor. Moreover, the performance of time-divided distribution models at most times is good. The results of this study are of great significance to the indoor thermal environment, district air conditioning, district heating and energy consumption of buildings.