To achieve multiple obstacle avoidance tasks consisting of zero-space obstacle avoidance and terminal obstacle avoidance with self-avoidance permission, we propose an algorithm for multiple obstacle avoidance tasks for dual-arm robots. First, we design a self-obstacle avoidance gradient optimization function to implement the self-obstacle avoidance task between the two arms of dual-arm robots by using the pseudo-distance as the basis for the collision judgment. Second, the terminal obstacle avoidance task for dual-arm robots is implemented by applying an adaptive terminal obstacle avoidance velocity. Third, a zero-space obstacle avoidance task for dual-arm robots is realized using an adaptive virtual repulsion force. Finally, a dual-arm robot consisting of two 6-DOF Jaco2 manipulators is simulated in a Matlab environment to verify the obstacle avoidance algorithm of dual-arm robots. The simulation results show that the algorithm proposed in this paper can complete the multi-obstacle avoidance tasks of terminal obstacle avoidance and zero-space obstacle avoidance simultaneously with the premise of realizing the self-obstacle avoidance of dual-arm robots, and has a minor terminal trajectory error, which proves that the algorithm is in the feasibility of completing terminal obstacle avoidance and zero-space obstacle avoidance with the premise of realizing dual-arm robots self-obstacle avoidance.