Wind power has received significant attention in recent years as a renewable energy source. Wind turbine blades, characterized by their long lengths, are prone to damage as a result of aeroelastic instability. This paper aims to derive semi-analytical solutions for steady-state forced vibrations of rotating wind turbine blades, considering the coupling of bending, bending, and unsteady aerodynamic loads. The novelty of this work lies in the use of the Green's function method to solve differential dynamic equations with variable coefficients, which are induced by aerodynamic forces. To model a wind turbine blade, the Euler-Bernoulli beam model is employed, and Greenberg's expressions are taken into consideration. Governing equations for coupled vibrations of the blade are then determined. In order to solve the governing equations, displacement solutions are decomposed into quasi-static displacements and dynamic displacements. The Laplace transformation and Green's function methods are utilized to obtain fundamental solutions of the governing equations. Subsequently, employing the principle of superposition, Fredholm integral equations for steady-state forced vibration of a rotating wind turbine blade are derived. To spatially discretize Fredholm integral equations, compound trapezoid formulae and central finite difference approximations are employed. This discretization process leads to the formation of a system of algebraic equations. Semi-analytical solutions for coupled forced vibrations of the rotating wind turbine blade are obtained by solving the algebraic equations. In the numerical solution part, validation of proposed solutions are verified by comparing them with numerical and finite element solutions in the literature. Influences of some important physical parameters, such as the rotating velocity, the setting angle, the cone angle, the inflow ratio, and damping, on vibration responses of blades are discussed.