Remaining Useful Life (RUL) prediction of rolling bearings is one of the intricate and important issues for equipment intelligent maintenance and health management. Various machine learning models and methods have been applied to rolling bearing RUL prediction. However, a single model cannot effectively extract state information and obtain accurate prediction results, and its generalisation is not stable under the condition of small sample data. Therefore this paper proposes an intelligent hybrid deep learning model for achieving accurate RUL prediction of rolling bearings. Firstly, the one-dimensional vibration signal is transformed into the corresponding two-dimensional time-frequency diagram via Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT). Secondly, the diagram is input into a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) consisting of a basic three-layer feed-forward network to obtain a one-dimensional feature vector. And lastly, the obtained feature vector is input into an integrated model based on Deep Autoregressive and Transformer to produce the probability distribution and obtain the prediction results of rolling bearing RUL. Extensive experiments on two rolling bearing datasets show that the proposed model outperforms six other comparative models in extracting bearing fault features and predicting bearing RUL, which demonstrates that the proposed model can effectively extract bearing fault features and accurately predict bearing remaining useful life.