Management of post-electric burn microstomia is a challenging task, especially in children, as it causes difficulty in feeding and airway problems (secondary to nasal airway blockage). The recreated defect is often full thickness and requires full-thickness tissue for reconstruction. The free flap can provide adequate normal tissue for the restoration of functions and aesthesis of the perioral region. However, performing free flaps in children is equally demanding due to small-diameter vessel anastomosis and postoperative monitoring. We present a case of postburn microstomia that was managed by contracture release and reconstruction by free radial artery forearm flap in a 1-year-old child. Postoperatively, at 6 months of follow-up, the flap settled well and the child was able to open his mouth fully with good aesthetic outcome. The free flap can be considered a good and safe option for perioral contracture release and reconstruction for better functional and aesthetic outcomes.