In recent years, the therapeutic landscape of myeloid malignancies has been completely revolutionized by the introduction of several new drugs, targeting molecular alterations or pathways crucial for leukemia cells survival. Particularly, many agents targeting apoptosis have been investigated in both pre-clinical and clinical studies. For instance, venetoclax, a pro-apoptotic agent active on BCL-2 signaling, has been successfully used in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The impressive results achieved in this context have made the apoptotic pathway an attractive target also in other myeloid neoplasms, translating the experience of AML. Therefore, several drugs are now under investigation either as single or in combination strategies, due to their synergistic efficacy and capacity to overcome resistance. In this paper, we will review the mechanisms of apoptosis and the specific drugs currently used and under investigation for the treatment of myeloid neoplasia, identifying critical research necessities for the upcoming years.