Hydrologic connectivity along the hillslope critical zone is essential for the transmission of water, solutes, and nutrients to streams. However, the influences of critical zone structure on hydrological connectivity are not adequately understood, especially for hillslopes with complex topography. We investigated the hydrological connectivity along different topographical positions of two adjacent dolomite hillslope plots in southwest China: a deep soil plot (average value: 66 cm) and shallow soil plot (average value: 35 cm). We characterized the dynamics of multiple-interface runoff and soil water based on observations of stable isotopes (δ18O and δD) and hydrometric monitoring, and computed the lc-excess, young water fraction (yw), and hydrograph separation from June 2020 to July 2021. On both hillslopes, soil depth gradually increased from up-slope to down-slope, and the contribution of event water and yw to soil water gradually decreased (100 % to 69 %). In the vertical depth, a sudden decrease in the contribution of yw (98 % to 47 %) and event water (44 % to 11 %) in the down-slope of the soil-epikarst interface was observed. These results indicate that the infiltration of rainwater from up-slope to down-slope was altered by vertical flow to lateral flow, which was connected through the soil-epikarst interface and finally converged in the low-lying area. Contrary to expectations, the contribution of yw at the soil-epikarst interface was lower in the shallow soil plot (43 %) than in the deep soil plot (71 %). As a supplement, moisture at the soil-epikarst interface was significantly higher in the shallow soil plot. This indicates that the renewal cycle of groundwater was slower in shallow soil-covered hillslopes not only because almost all rainwater (∼98 %) entered the soil-epikarst to redistribute as well as the higher water storage area in the soil-epikarst interface. Accordingly, the soil-epikarst structure, which is differentiated by soil depth, controls hillslope hydrological connectivity and groundwater storage capacity in the karst region of southwest China.