Continuous intra-arterial versus intermittent oscillometric arterial pressure monitoring and hypotension during induction of anaesthesia: the AWAKE randomised trial
Hypotension during induction of anaesthesia is associated with organ injury. Continuous arterial pressure monitoring might help reduce hypotension. We tested the hypothesis that continuous intra-arterial compared with intermittent oscillometric arterial pressure monitoring reduces hypotension during induction of anaesthesia in noncardiac surgery patients.In this single-centre randomised trial, 242 noncardiac surgery patients in whom intra-arterial arterial pressure monitoring was planned were randomised to unblinded continuous intra-arterial or to intermittent oscillometric arterial pressure monitoring (with blinded intra-arterial arterial pressure monitoring) during induction of anaesthesia. The primary endpoint was the area under a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 65 mm Hg within the first 15 min of induction of anaesthesia. Secondary endpoints included areas under MAP values of 60, 50, and 40 mm Hg and durations of MAP values <65, <60, <50, and <40 mm Hg.There were 224 subjects available for analysis. The median (25th-75th percentile) area under a MAP of 65 mm Hg was 15 (2-36) mm Hg • min in subjects assigned to continuous intra-arterial monitoring and 46 (7-111) mm Hg • min in subjects assigned to intermittent oscillometric monitoring (P<0.001). Subjects assigned to continuous intra-arterial monitoring had smaller areas under MAP values of 60, 50, and 40 mm Hg and shorter durations of MAP values <65, <60, <50, and <40 mm Hg than subjects assigned to intermittent oscillometric monitoring.Continuous intra-arterial arterial pressure monitoring reduces hypotension during induction of anaesthesia compared with intermittent oscillometric arterial pressure monitoring in noncardiac surgery patients. In patients for whom an arterial catheter is planned, clinicians might therefore consider inserting the arterial catheter before rather than after induction of anaesthesia.NCT04894019.