One of a person's fundamental necessities is food. It is necessary for both healthy growth and the proper operation of all bodily parts. In the past few years, there have been significant changes to Indian cuisine and lifestyle. Liberalization, dual income, nuclear families, creative kitchen applications, evolving eating patterns, etc. are some of the elements that have contributed to this shift. They have very little time to cook because they work long hours during the week and spend their weekends, preferably outside the house, with their children. These elements have a significant role in the necessity of prepared food items in people's daily life.The food processing industries have grown as a result of drastically altered eating patterns and an increase in the demand for instant food products. Instant food products are more in demand and the main causes of this are their easier availability, better taste, shorter preparation times, and ease of use. Instant food products are penetrating very fast either in presence of number of brands or due to number of products, effective quality control and awareness generations is essential for gaining future loyalties among the customers.