Abstract The cross sections of the 27 Al(n,α) 24 Na and 27 Al(n,p) 27 Mg reactions with the average neutron energies of 15.2, 26.4, and 37.2 MeV were measured using the activation and off-line γ−ray spectrometric technique at the Korean Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS), Korea. Quasi-monoenergetic neutrons produced via the 9 Be(p,n) reaction with the proton beam energies of 25, 35, and 45 MeV from the MC50 cyclotron of KIRAMS were used. The present measured values were compared with those from the evaluated nuclear data libraries ENDF/B-VII, TENDL-2015, TALYS 1.8, and from literature. In general, a close agreement with the literature data as well as the evaluated data was found.