Owing to the acute toxicity and mobility, the Cr(VI) in tannery wastewater is a huge threat to biological and environmental systems. Herein, an effective photoelectrocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) was carried out by applying electric field to photocatalysis of as-prepared TiO2 spheres. The synthesis of spherical TiO2 catalytic materials with hollow structure and high surface areas was based on a self-assembly process induced by a mixture of organic acetic acid and ethanol. The possible formation mechanism of TiO2 spheres was proposed and verified by acid concentration-dependent and temperature-dependent experiments. It was found that the reaction rate constant of photoelectrocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) exhibited an almost 3 fold improvement (0.0362 min−1) as compared to that of photocatalysis (0.0126 min−1). As a result, the mechanism of photoelectrocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) was described according to the simultaneous determination of Cr(VI), Cr(III) and total Cr in the system. In addition, the effect of pH value and voltage of potential were also discussed. Moreover, this photoelectrocatalysis with TiO2 hollow spheres exhibited excellent activity for reduction of Cr(VI) in actual tannery wastewater produced from three different tanning procedures. These attributes suggest that this photoelectrocatalysis has strong potential applications in the treatment of tannery pollutants.