As a reviewer of ca. 50 manuscripts per year submitted to various journals, I often come across questionable metabolic data (both over- or under-estimated) mainly in the journals from the section of Environmental Sciences of Web of Science. Though the trends of visibly incorrect metabolite values may be informative (changes in response to applied treatments or environmental factors), absolute values must be precise enough to allow inter-specific comparison and eventual subsequent calculations. Technical correctness of quantification and calculation of such data is therefore often questionable. One problem arises when calculating metabolites concentration (often nmol or μmol/g of biomass) and another problem is the impact of altered water content on metabolite level (then trend per gram of fresh or dry biomass will differ). Recent discrepancies I found when searching for the literature prompted me to write this technical note aimed at focusing attention of researchers on these problems. I exclude any conflict of interest when discussing the quoted published studies. I strongly urge interested researchers to verify the correctness of metabolite quantification (extraction, dilution/calculation and alternative methods) and also to study similar literature for comparison in order to prevent the spread of incorrect data in the scientific literature.