Behaviour of an angular contact ball bearing with three-dimensional cubic-like defect: A comprehensive non-linear dynamic model for predicting vibration response
Abstract The dynamic model of an asymmetric defects on an angular contact ball bearing raceway has not been fully described before. An advanced 10-degree-of-freedom dynamic model that includes detailed contact forms between a three-dimensional cubic-like defect and balls is proposed in this article. Examples are load distributions, ball passing defect profiles, varying effective stiffness between balls and raceways, and the impulse response caused by the collision of balls and defect edges. The results suggest that the circumferential size of the 3-D defect has a significant effect on the contact force distribution, which consequently generates impulse vibration in the bearing system. The analysis on the axial and circumferential sizes of defect show that the extension of the defect in the circumferential direction should be avoided. Additionally, the reduction of the radial-axial load ratio could mitigate the vibration impulses.